Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Empty words for a nation in despair.

This critical time of war, deception, and the near future presidential elections has set the stage for the public to demand answers from those in power. Elizabeth Sullivan, contributor to The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, claims that the presidential candidates have been avoiding the tough questions and sugar coating their answers. These are the same candidates that gave the public hope for change in America and are now playing good old vague politics.

In our post 9/11 “brave new world,” the people want to hear resolutions to our current state of mayhem in Iraq. Peace in Iraq should be the primary focus of the candidates. Instead, they shift our emphasis on such an imperative issue with other divisive issues such as gay rights and abortion. Really, is gay marriage going to ruin America like the Iraq war soon will? At times, it seems that people in power take the rest of us for imbeciles.

Subsequent to the Bush administration taking over our lives, haven’t we been lied to and misled enough? The true issues that will define us as a nation have to be prioritized instead of “beating around the bush” with nonsense. Presidential candidates are starting to lose their substance on the issues that they felt so strongly about when the race began.
Elizabeth Sullivan puts the presidential debates into context-- “..the debate is stale, the questions pro forma and the answers rehearsed.” I couldn’t agree more.

What does America need? Consistency, true leadership, and truth. Is asking for the true character of the candidates’ to be revealed too much to ask for? Please, some one give us one direct answer!!!!

Original article taken from The Austin American Statesman October 17, 2007.

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